It was a beautiful windy and appropriately sunny Sunday afternoon, and Kozler’s forest – a strictly protected natural monument on Ljubljana Marshes landscape park – is just a couple of kilometers away. Such an opportunity for a KAP session or two is not to be missed!

Kozler’s forest (or Kozler’s Thicket) is the largest remnant of a bog forest on Ljubljana Marshes. It represents the last phase of the evolution of a marsh, with tall trees (oaks, hornbeams, pines, birches etc.) standing on on a thick bed of peat that is still growing.

This 20 hectares plot of ancient wet woodland is quite magical, though this time the kite aerial photos can’t really convey it … a misdirected camera, a big tangle on the line preventing the kite to fly higher, a typical sunny afternoon laziness – but still, lifting the camera three times above Kozler’s forest was fun.

It was definitely not the last time we flew kites here 🙂

All kite aerial photos shot with Canon A810 on a Blue Rokkaku.