The middle of December is rarely a good time for flying kites. It’s cold, it’s damp, it’s dark … the winds die down, the sun sets wayyy too early – if it wasn’t for the aggressive festive spirit, December would be the worst month of them all.

But here and there a beautiful sunny and windy day does happen, and the kites wanted us to take them out for a spin in the blue December sky.

We had a new kite to test, a red 3D box “Satellite kite”, a funny and complicated flying apparatus that needed to be assembled and checked.

On the first try we assembled it wrong, and then even wronger, until we somehow coaxed it into flying – but it was still wrong, and the red Satelite of Love kept crashing. As we do it old-school way – first you throw the instructions and manuals into the thrash, then you start working on it – we actually have no idea yet what to do and how to put all the spars in in a correct way.

But it was fun 🙂

We were not in an ideal place – a busy road was close by and (gasp!) a sports airport with a grassy runway was just across it, so we couldn’t fly very high – but the warm light of the sun and the beauty of the countryside called for a quick and low-level kite aerial photography session.

This year’s Autumn was abundant with rains, so Lower Pivka valley was dotted with small lakes and filled ponds. Numerous streams were overflowing and the curious river Pivka was exploring its surroundings, not really caring about staying in her riverbed.

As the river here is frolicking oblivious to the impedning doom – Pivka is just around 5 km from her dramatic descent into the dark underworld of Postojna cave – let her be.

Nanos ridge was guarding the Postojna basin …

… the trees lining the old riverbed of Rakiški Stržen creek were enjoying the sun …

… everything was glimmering and glistening on that bright December afternoon.

We caught the Trilobite in action, expertly flown by Sergeja …

… and the wide views of Postojna basin and Lower Pivka valley were gentle to our eyes.

Even the Satellite of Love managed to fly – barely. So, a nice and successful kite Sunday afternoon it was, perfect for charging our inner batteries.

Kite aerial photos shot with Nikon P330 on The Original Blue Rokkaku, made by master Janez Vizjak of Dr.Agon kites.