Over the Shores of Lougeon

“Then the mountains rise again, in the country of the Iapodes, and are called Albian. In like manner, also, there is a pass which leads over Ocra from Tergeste, a Carnic village, to a marsh called Lougeon. Near Nauportus there is a river, the Corcoras, which receives the cargoes. Now this river empties into the … Read more

The Dragons Ate Our Light

Urban kite aerial photography is hard (except for István, but he’s different), and while we’ve tried to lift our kite within Ljubljana proper a lot of times, we can claim only one partial success (besides, flying in the open Tivoli park doesn’t really count as urban KAP). A city just isn’t made for serious kite … Read more

You Tried, Now Back To Your Swamp!

Sometimes it’s frustrating. The days are shorter and there are few hours of light. The good (suitable, never mind ‘good’) KAP targets are scarce and far from home. The weather is bleak and wet and cold. So we tend to fall back to our, shall we say, ‘regular’ places, where we can be sure that … Read more

Requiem for a Manor: Haasberg Castle, Slovenia

Castles are epitomes of History. They are almost eternal, defying the ravages of centuries, standing tall and seemingly timeless. Seemingly. For castles are ephemeral. Fleeting. More like a dandelion puffball than a slab of granite. This is the story of two of them. One a castle proper, a Medieval fortress; the other an exquisite manor, … Read more

Pirates Of The Wind: Kite Festival Sprintkite Cervia 2024

It was – tough. From the very beginning. Roberto said that unspecified consequences shall befell us if we don’t show up at his festival. Then the weather went all crazy with incessant rain and, for the first half of September, clearly illegal temperatures. Then the weather kinda backed off (it was still way too cold; … Read more