Above Eden

Give yourself to a drunk life wind
To blow you to all directions, fast.
Let it fold you like a leaf,
Into a mad flight, that crazy blast.

Fly like leaves carried by a whirlwind
For the flight, you are made, dear soul.

Tin Ujević

There was a kite festival in the fantastically crazy town of O.the one that must not be named – and together with our friends from the Croatian Kite Association we drove all the way down along the Adriatic coast to colour the sky above the most incredible, emerald-green Garden of Eden.

The festival was held on the beach by the Neretva Kiteboarding school & bar, at one of the best kiteboarding spots on the Adriatic. A sandy beach, a sheltered bay, a constant wind … perfect for flying.

The kites for speeding across the waves generously gave up space in the sky to kites dedicated to colouring that sky. And we did our best …

You can read and see all about the kite festival here, for this article is about our core business: the “KAP” in the name of our kite club stands for Kite Aerial Photography, so Viktor and his staff took the venerable Original Blue Rokkaku, attached a picavet with a camera to the kite line, and let it fly high above the sandy beach and the flying monsters.

On the second flight the camera was turned inland, and discovered the true Emerald Eden that lies just behind the beach, over the channel of Mala N. river …

The incredible lush, moist paradise, full of gardens and orchards crisscrossed by carefully tended irrigation canals … At the foot of the scorched, barren Dalmatian hills people created their own private Eden.

The enchanting scent of mandarines covers the land and the wind carries it up high – even the Rokkaku smelled like a juicy fruit from which the fabulous GUUC juices are made …

It’s like a mirage … something only the fairies, seagulls, and kites can see.

It was a truly amazing kite aerial photography session high above Eden.

Kite aerial photos shot with Nikon P330 on The Original Blue Rokkaku by Dr.Agon kites, piloted by master Viktor.

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