Dawn of Civilization

Tens of housands of years ago the vast plain of Ljubljana Marshes was a lake. 120 square kilometres covered in water a couple of meters deep. A kite aerial photo of Ljubljana Marshes and river Ižica from a couple of months ago. Over the millenia river Ižica and others were intrepidly bringing material from the … Read more

A River on a Karst Field

Planina karst field – Planinsko polje – is a magical place. When the wind cooperates it is a perfect kite flying place, with vast open meadows and few obstacles. That’s why we often use it as a plan B when other locations do not approve of us flying. Just after liftoff. A young pilot handles … Read more

Kites and Art

Kites posess an inherent beauty. They touch the sky, they fly in silent magnificence, they capture the eye and the mind. They are art in motion. Yet we were still surprised a true, accomplished, renowned artist would call us and ask for assistance in a true art project. Elixir Distillers, Tanja Vujinovic, Ultramono 2018. Gallery … Read more