Haasberg castle ruins

Ruins of the Haasberg mansion near Planina, Slovenia, shot from a kite. Haasberg mansion was built on the site of an earlier castle by the Eggenberg family in 17th century, and expanded in 18th century under Cobenzls by a renowned italian architect Carlo Martinuzzi. The baroque palace boasted several exceptional stonemasonry details, including an elaborate … Read more

High above the high plateau

Bloščica river runs slowly slowly around Volčje village in the pristine Bloke plateau – home to bears, lynxes, wolves (who gave the village its name) and other abundant wildlife. Kite aerial photo, Canon A810 on a Rokkaku kite. Forests, marshes, streams, caves and abundant wildlife – Bloke plateau is a truly magical place in the … Read more

Planina karst field

This is river Unica in Planina karst field, the penultimate apparition of a most wondrous river with seven (!) names. . This river starts its flow in Prezid karst field on Slovenian – Croatian border as *Trbuhovica* (1) stream. It sinks into the limestone, flows underground and appears again as *Obrh* (2) in Lož karst … Read more

Šivec creek and UNESCO site

This is a part of Šivčev graben creek in Ljubljana marshes landscape park. There was a prehistoric pile dwelling nearby and a dugout canoe was found in the mouth of the creek. Denver 5020TWC action camera on a Rokkaku kite.

Romans on the marshes

River Ljubljanica emerges in vaucluse type springs near Vrhnika, runs across the Ljubljana Marshes, through Ljubljana and on to its cofluence with Sava. As it flows across the almost completely flat marshes, Ljubljanica drops for less that 1 meter (actually the stream bed in Ljubljana is higher than 25 km upstream!) – so it gently … Read more